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SCOPES Program Manager, The Fab Foundation, Boston, MA

The Fab Foundation is seeking a Program Manager for the SCOPES-df Project (Scaling a Community of Practice for Education in STEM through Digital Fabrication). SCOPES-df is a new endeavor of the Fab Foundation launched to catalyze STEM learning in formal educational environments through digital fabrication technologies and practices found in a Fab Lab or Makerspace. The project targets the development of digital fabricat…ion curriculum, instructional tools, Teacher Professional Development supporting the curriculum, evaluation and assessments for K-12 environments, and cultivating the pipeline for the coming generation of Fab educators and contributors.

The SCOPES Program Manager will provide leadership in the Foundation’s education initiative. In this role s/he will support key stakeholder relationships and form cross- organizational partnerships to carry out the objectives for SCOPES-df . The SCOPES Program Manager will work to establish relationships with participating districts, schools, and teachers. S/He will additionally form partnerships with regional industries and community. S/He will develop schedules, coordinate resources, and ensure that daily operations align with the overall goals and objectives of the program. The Program Manager will work closely with staff and consultants to establish processes and protocols for the delivery of curriculum, professional development, and accompanying tasks to document and measure impact and success.

The SCOPES Program Manager will monitor program metrics, and track, synthesize and report data related to the program, working in partnership with Fab Foundation leadership to meet program grant requirements.

Required education: Master’s

Required experience: Program Management: 3 years