Audiovisual Preservation Intern, George Blood Audio/Video/Film/Data, Philadelphia, PA
Posted March 9, 2017
Most recently, we have added data to our repertoire and our work now includes recovery, conversion and preservation of older, born-digital assets.
We take great pride in the reputation of our work to provide quality playback and digitization while adhering to current preservation standards. Our staff work together in teams, with each member contributing years of experience and the particular strengths of their field, whether as a professional audio/video engineer, preservation specialist or service/technical professional. Our company also contributes to research in the field of preservation and serves on standards and technical committees for many organizations.
Candidates should submit a résumé, the names and contact information of two references relevant to the area of interest, and a cover letter with a statement describing the applicant’s interest in audiovisual and/or data preservation, their goals for the internship, and a proposed project with a quantifiable result (ex. a report, a presentation, etc) via email with “Your Name – AV Internship” or “Your Name – Data Internship” in the subject line.