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Supervisor of Youth & Outreach Services, Springfield City Library, Springfield, MA

SEARCH REOPENED: The Springfield (MA) City Library seeks applications to work at our forward-looking public library. Due to an out-of-state relocation, we have an opening for the Supervisor of Youth & Outreach Services. This fun and challenging position supervises the Children’s Room at the busy Central Library, located adjacent to the Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden.

The person selected for the Supervisor of Youth & Outreach Services will oversee the daily operation of the Children’s Room at the Central Library. (Please note, job posting needs updating; job does not include supervision of Mason Square Branch.)  Other elements of the job are outreach, programming, collection development, reference, and reader’s advisory; more specifically:

The supervisor works closely with the manager to plan and implement policy, procedures, and strategies for improving delivery of youth services throughout the library system; purchases children’s materials (print and media) for the library system; oversees administration of the Early Childhood Resource Center; participates in delivery, promotion, and evaluation of youth programs; creates and conducts tours and bibliographic instruction for children and their caregivers and teachers; works with and provides outreach to youth-serving city agencies, schools, and organizations; and assists in writing and implementing grants. Supervision is exercised over Children’s Room staff, 2.5 FTE librarians.

Requirements include three years of experience in a public library environment, with two years of experience supervising employees preferred. Also required are a Bachelor’s degree and completion of an American Library Association accredited Master of Library Science. We are looking for a candidate with a proven record of meaningful community engagement, strong staff mentoring and coaching skills, and experience in creating lively programs for children. Bilingual abilities desirable (English and Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese or other).

Further job details and job application are available on the City of Springfield’s website. The annual salary is $50,500.71. The closing date is Monday, March 6, 2017, at 11:59 pm ET. Be sure to upload a compelling cover letter when you apply.

Get excited about the possibilities of working in the city of Springfield by watching this video. If you can embrace the attitude that “It’s All Yours, Just Ask,” and see the library as a place to help strengthen our city through strong connections and constructive dialogue, please apply. We are here to help community members find what they need, no matter who they are, where they come from, or what they’re looking for, because the Springfield City Library is their place of connection to information and knowledge, culture, and community.