SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

(High School) Librarian, CATS Academy Boston, Braintree, MA


  • preparing, justifying, and administering the library budget to support specific program goals
  • selecting and administrating a Library Management System (LMS) for the school: incorporating MARC records for both physical and online resources and insuring appropriate resources are available when needed
  • providing leadership for the Learning Commons: building a collaborative, responsive and dynamic learning environment that supports a community of engaged learners
Information Specialist:

  • developing and maintaining a collection of resources, both print and online, that are appropriate to the curriculum, the learners, and the teaching styles and instructional strategies used within the school community
  • evaluating, promoting, and using existing and emerging technologies to support teaching and learning, supplement school resources, connect the school with the global learning community, communicate with students and teachers, and provide 24/7 access to library services
  • assisting the school community with their 
understanding and observance of copyright, fair use, and licensing of intellectual property

  • guiding students in reading for understanding, exposure to diversity of viewpoints, and for pleasure 
  • providing instruction in research skills and organizational strategies for students to become literate and ethical users of information
  • engaging students in the process of building on prior knowledge and constructing new knowledge 
  • encouraging students to work with peers in successful collaboration for learning
  • Other duties as assigned by line manager(s)/administration.
10-month, 6 weeks’ vacation, 3 days/week, $30,000

Please email cover letter, resume, copies of transcripts, and at least two recommendations to:
Mr. Steven Bliss
Head of School
CATS Academy Boston
2001 Washington Street
Braintree, MA 02184

at [email protected]