SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Elementary Library Teacher, Newton Public Schools, Newton, MA

All Candidates for the position should possess a current Library Media Certification (issued by the MA Department of Education) or in a program leading to MA Department of Education Certification as a K-12 Library Teacher.

All candidates should:

  • Be knowledgeable as to the organization and administration of a school library program
  • Possess a range of instructional strategies with an ability to develop lessons that are engaging for students and require the application of critical and creative thinking skills
  • Design and deliver instruction that is developmentally appropriate for the academic, social and emotional abilities of all students
  • Possess the content knowledge and ability to evaluate and select digital tools and applications to use within the library setting both with students and by students, applying a review rubric and that abides by CIPA and COPPA guidelines
  • Be able to instruct students in developing basic and advanced searching skills within the online catalog and elementary databases in a way that is developmentally appropriate to the grade level
  • Be willing to take initiative and make outreach to the teaching staff to collaboratively design units of instruction that take place in the library and the classroom
  • Be up to date in current children’s literature publishing trends, with the ability to analyze the existing collection and develop a plan of purchase
  • Have a vision for continuing the library learning commons approach that is currently in place and be open to exploring means and methods for integrating a maker space (including coding instruction) into the program.

Interested applicants can contact Chris Swerling, Library Coordinator, with questions.
[email protected] 617-559-6096

An online application should be submitted at (Human Resources-Employment-Current Job Opportunities- Elementary Library Teacher Anticipated Openings)