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AAAI Conference on Crowdsourcing and Human Computation (HCOMP)

The 2016 AAAI Conference on Crowdsourcing and Human Computation (HCOMP) will be held October 30 – November 3, 2016 in Austin, TX, USA.

In addition to the main conference tracks, HCOMP will offer several workshops, a doctoral consortium, and a tutorial (details below).  A forthcoming announcement email will share details on an Industry & Practice Track and an Encore Track.

PhD Students interested in the doctoral consortium should apply by August 19. Two HCOMP workshops have calls for papers, due August 1, while CrowdCamp and the tutorial have open enrollment.

Want to receive future updates on crowdsourcing and human computation? Follow @hcomp_conf on Twitter, or join our new ?crowd-hcomp? listserv for posting and receiving announcements (e.g., CFPs, job openings, etc.). You can subscribe online at*.*

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