SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Library Director, Wayland Free Public Library, Wayland, MA

Wayland is seeking a full-time Library Director for the Wayland Free Public Library. The position exercises a high degree of leadership and independent initiative in planning and developing goals and objectives while carrying out policies of the Board of Library Trustees. Trustees are currently conducting a Planning and Design Study for a potential grant application to the Massachusetts Public Library Construction Program.

Director will administer and recommend policies and programs while complying with state and federal laws. Responsible for supervising the activities of all professional and non-professional full-time and part-time Library staff. Manages, hires, and terminates library personnel consistent with town policy and collective bargaining agreements. Prepares library annual budget and manages accounts and other sources of revenue. Responsible for necessary repairs, safety procedures, and cleanliness of facility. Attends all Board of Library Trustee meetings; represents the Library at Town and departmental meetings. The Director will conduct a public relations program to promote library’s role in community.

Must have ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing; Ability to work nights and weekends as required. Master’s degree in Library Science from ALA accredited school is required with five years of supervisory experience in a library setting. Salary range: $77,493-$101,108.

To see full job description and get application, go to Please send letter of intent, resume and application no later than July 15 to:

John Senchyshyn, Asst. Town Administrator/Human Resources Director
Town of Wayland, 41 Cochituate Road,
Wayland, MA 01778