Research Fellow, The Education Alliance, Natick, MA
Posted April 29, 2016
The Education Alliance, a leading, full service higher education consulting firm, welcomes nominations and applications for the position of Research Fellow.
ABOUT THE ALLIANCE The Education Alliance is globally recognized in the field of higher education for its work in academic planning, organizational development, administrative restructuring, strategic alliances, new academic program development, market research and repositioning, licensure and accreditation. The Alliance provides its clients with highly customized, total solutions to achieve their institutional goals and objectives. Our clients include research universities, private and state colleges, community and technical colleges, proprietary institutions, public higher education systems and international education organizations. Alliance opinion and op-ed pieces appear in numerous professional journals. Feature stories written by Alliance executives appear in such prestigious publications as Johns Hopkins University Press, The Chronicle of Higher Education, AGB Trusteeship, CASE Currents, University Business, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, London Guardian, London Times, Washington Post, and Boston Globe. For further information, please see:
QUALIFICATIONS The successful candidate for this position will have a Masters degree; and preferably be enrolled in a doctoral program in education. The position requires quantitative and qualitative research experience, with excellent writing skills and a broad understanding of higher education issues, market trends and policy implications.
This Research Fellow position requires a person with strong Internet research skills, familiarity with higher education databases, demonstrated critical thinking and problem solving skills. The successful candidate will have experience in designing quantitative and qualitative instruments and be responsible for analyzing data and preparing interpretive reports.
As a major part of assigned work, the Research Fellow must be willing and able to perform the following administrative support responsibilities: engage and converse with clients in both formal and informal settings; be experienced in the use of various office software applications; participate in professional development opportunities; attend networking functions; prepare promotional literature; perform other office tasks as assigned.
The Alliance seeks a Research Fellow candidate who is a team player; understands and demonstrates high standards for quality work product and customer service; focuses on practical solutions; who can work effectively in a very fluid, fast paced work environment; who views competing work priorities as a positive challenge; who can take and follow directions while balancing a wide span of priorities; and willing to work for the benefit of the firm. Further, and importantly, the Alliance seeks a candidate who is familiar with higher education issues; has demonstrated quantitative research skills; a commitment to learning new skills; a strong work ethic; a willingness to take risks; and has a high standard of professional ethics and integrity. Most importantly, the successful candidate will demonstrate their genuine commitment to thoroughness, total client service and a willingness to roll up their sleeves and do whatever it takes to get the job done right.
The successful candidate will be flexible and work 4 days per week. Compensation for the Fellowship is competitive and based on experience.
Consideration for candidacy will require a current vitae, a letter of application and/or nomination that speaks to the successful candidate profile outlined herein and the names and contact information for three references (references will only be contacted with the applicant’s knowledge). Materials should be sent via e-mail only to Dr. James E. Samels at [email protected]. The position will remain open until filled. Review of applications will begin April 26th. The start date for this position will be on or before June 1, 2016.