Library System Director, Trumbull, CT
Posted April 29, 2016
- Responsible for leading a system of two libraries – the Main and one Branch amounting to over 38,000 sq. ft., 147,000 collection items; open 64 hours a week (Oct. to May), 40 staff members, and providing service for over 300,000 visitors each year.
- Is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Trumbull Library. Assists the Board in its governance function of the Library System. Provides the direction and leadership so the Library System can carry out the mission and vision of the Library and all the service goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan.
- Supports operations and administration of the Board by advising and informing Board members, drafting policies and recommending policies for Board action. Identifies and arranges for training sessions and documents for Board members and is the intermediary between Board and Staff. This position is evaluated by the Board of Directors.
Applications will accepted until a sufficient number of qualified applicants are received.
Examples of Duties
- In partnership with the Library Board of Directors, studies and makes plans to continuously improve the services of the Library System to meet the present and future community needs more effectively.
- Keeps well informed of developing trends and issues in the library and information science field.
- Attends regular meetings at national, regional and local levels of professional librarians to ensure s(he) remains knowledgeable about the changing realities of public libraries.
- Prepares $1 million + Annual Budget for approval by the Board and presents and defends the budget to the First Selectman, Board of Finance and Finance Committee of the Town Council.
- Maintains financial control to ensure library operations conform to the budget.
Directs the public relations program to promote and publicize the Library System in the community.
- Submits weekly media releases to local and regional media.
- Regularly attends meetings of Town and community organizations.
- Serves as Library systems principal spokesperson and answers questions from the media, the general public and other organizations.
- Assures the organization and its mission, programs, products and services are consistently presented in a positive image to the public.
- Develops public relations vehicles, including Annual Report of Library System, speeches and is the principal advocate in discussions with national, state and local library authorities.
Manages two facilities as community centers for the Town in four different rooms: Community rooms at the Main and Branch Library, the Merwin Room and the Kiwanis Conference Room.
- Identifies need for capital building projects for the library system.
- Submits a capital project budget to the Town.
- Liaises with community partners to seek out private funding for capital needs.
- Works with Board and Assistant Library System Director on large building projects.
- Identifies annual grounds needs (e.g., external signage, plantings, sidewalk repairs, parking lot issues).
Directs and participates in personal actions such as hiring, termination, assignments, and evaluation within the guidelines of the Town’s labor relations.
- Recruits, selects and trains new personnel. Civil Service office assists with this process by placing some of the ads for new positions, administering appropriate tests and rating candidates according to test results and providing orientation materials to new employees.
- With assistance from Assistant Director and Associate Director, creates and executes Staff Training Development Plan.
- Coordinates the continuing training and development of 40+ staff members.
- Prepares annual evaluations of the performance of Division Heads and other employees.
- Has the authority to discipline and dismiss employees in accord with contractual agreements and Town guidelines.
With the Assistant Library System Director and Associate Director, continuously evaluates current technological applications and develop strategy for use of future technologies throughout the Library System.
- Updates the Technology Strategy for Library System with Assistant Director and Associate Director.
- Ensures adequate training opportunities and vital funding for staff to use IT effectively for public service.
- Maintains awareness of emerging technologies and develop vision for their effective use in Library System.
Oversees fundraising planning and implementation.
- Identifies resource requirements, such as, collection materials, program sponsorships, technological needs and facility improvements.
- Liaises with community contacts to build partnerships for funding projects.
- Researches grant opportunities throughout private and public sectors.
- Establishes strategies and vehicles to approach potential business, organizational and individual donors.
- Submits request for funding proposals.
- Manages the administration of fundraising records and documentation.
- Leadership skills in terms of strategic thinking, institution building, fiscal management, human resource development and public speaking.
- Comprehensive knowledge of all library functions: access services, acquisitions, children’s services, collection development, reference, programs services.
- Fiscal management including budget preparation, vendor negotiation, budgeting trends, grant writing.
- Successful participation in fundraising activities.
- Knowledge and experience in managing or executing the installation of a significant information technology system such as the migration to a new computer catalog, introduction of a new technology center, wireless capabilities.
Bachelors Degree in any discipline and Masters Degree in Library and Information Science from an ALA accredited school. Previous experience in a senior management position in a library with a minimum of three years experience.
Proof of Masters Degree in Library and Information Science will be required.
Please upload a copy/photcopy of your degree if you have access to it at the time of application.
Supplemental Information
Hired by and reports directly to the Volunteer Library Board of Directors (CT State Statute, Chap. 190, Sec. 11-21), with operational reporting to the Chief of Staff.
All Library personnel within the Town of Trumbull.