Volunteer for Cambridge Space Hackathon!
Posted April 1, 2016
We are hoping to spread the word about our interdisciplinary event:
Here is the Eventbrite for a Cambridge Space Hackathon: http://tinyurl.com/h2wf434
We are happy to provide more information as needed.
Feel free to share, add friends, share in groups, it looks like we will have a pretty good turn out, but the more the merrier. It looks like we will have some awesome speakers talking about a range of related topics, so it’s great to have a good audience.
Additionally, 1st place winners get GoPro action camcorders!!
In-person volunteers, it looks like we will have a few people helping out, but we could use a few more. We could use some extra help on April 1st, 5:30pm – 7pm or April 8th -10th at varying times, more student help, the merrier.
If interested, submit this form: https://docs.google.com/ a/quantly.io/forms/d/11Xtey9O- Kf2i9ic4jzW51DP8Ozqn72b_ 6DHvsLAisRQ/viewform