Head of User Services, Vassar College Libraries, Poughkeepsie, NY
Posted March 18, 2016
Vassar College Libraries seeks a forward-thinking and user-oriented Head of User Services to oversee the operations of the circulation, course reserves, collections maintenance, and interlibrary loan departments, providing consistent and excellent service for library users. Overseeing a unit of 8 union staff, the Head of User Services will work to ensure that these essential user-facing services are highly functional and responsive to the needs of the Vassar community.
Additionally, the Head of User Services will serve as a point-person in ongoing efforts to understand and respond to users’ evolving experiences in the Libraries. In this role, the Head of User Services will assist in gathering and analyzing user feedback and usage data through a variety of techniques (e.g., focus groups, surveys, reviews of existing usage data). The Head of User Services will collaborate with colleagues across the college to conceive and design improvements to users’ experiences of library services and spaces, both physical and virtual; make recommendations for strategically improving library services; and implement subsequent improvements, paying particular attention to the broad diversity within the Vassar community. The Head of User Services reports to the Director of the Libraries and serves as a member of the leadership team.
- MLS or equivalent degree.
- Minimum 3 years professional experience working in an academic library, in a position that included supervisory responsibilities.
- Demonstrated knowledge of emerging trends in assessing library user experience.
- Experience gathering and analyzing data through both structured and informal engagements with user communities.
- Significant experience using Excel or similar tool for analysis and report writing.
- Commitment to collaboration and the ability to work cooperatively across organizational and disciplinary boundaries.
- Willingness to serve as a subject liaison, as needed.
- Ability to model patience, tact, and good humor in providing user-focused public service.
- Competence and sensitivity in working at a college in which students are broadly diverse with regard to many facets of identity, including but not limited to gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, and religion.
To apply: employment.vassar.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=52031