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American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Scholarship Awards

Scholarships Available for the 2016-2017 Academic Year

The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) is committed to preparing and encouraging individuals to pursue careers in law librarianship.  AALL annually awards various scholarships, according to the following categories, to individuals interested in becoming law librarians or to current law librarians interested in furthering their educations. 

Scholarships for Aspiring or Current Law Librarians 

AALL Educational Scholarships

Educational scholarships are available from AALL to assist individuals with their educational expenses. Scholarships are available for different types of candidates: 1) college graduates working toward a dual JD/MLIS degree; 2) law school scholarships for those with a library degree; 3) library school scholarships for those with a law degree; 4) library school scholarships for those without a law degree; 5) scholarships for library school graduates seeking a non-law degree in an area beneficial to the development of a professional career in law librarianship.

George A. Strait Minority Scholarship

The George A. Strait Minority Scholarship is awarded to college graduates with law library experience who are members of a minority group as defined by current U.S. government guidelines. Applicants should be degree candidates in an accredited library or law school who intend to seek a law librarianship career. 

LexisNexis John R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship

The LexisNexis John R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship fund is allocated at the discretion of the AALL Scholarship Awards Jury. Candidates who apply for any of the AALL Educational Scholarships are automatically eligible to receive this scholarship. No separate application is required.

Scholarships for Continuing Education of Law Librarians

Scholarship for Continuing Professional Education Classes

Applicants must currently be law librarians with a degree from an accredited library and/or law school who are registrants in continuing education courses related to law librarianship.

Marcia J. Koslov Scholarship

This scholarship is specifically directed at AALL members who serve as librarians in state, court or county law libraries. This scholarship provides funding for members to attend live seminars and conferences that provide continuing education for state, court or county law librarians. This scholarship is not intended to support attendance at the AALL Annual Meeting.

Candidates may apply for more than one scholarship if appropriate. For more information, including application requirements and forms, please visit