John Riddick Student Grant, NASIG Annual Conference
Posted January 29, 2016
NASIG seeks candidates for grants to attend the Annual Conference. Established in 1985, NASIG is an independent organization working to advance and transform the management of information resources. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate and improve the distribution, acquisition, and long-term accessibility of information resources in all formats and business models.
DESCRIPTION OF AWARD: The student grants are named in honor of John F. Riddick, co-founder and first elected president of NASIG in 1986. The idea for student grants came from John, and they were first awarded in 1988. Since a number of grant winners have gone on to become notable professionals in the field of serials and information resource management, NASIG members and members of the NASIG leadership, the executive board finds it fitting to honor John’s contribution to the library profession by naming the student grants for him.
Through the granting of these awards, NASIG desires to encourage participation in the information supply chain by students who are interested in pursuing some aspect of information resource management upon completion of their professional degrees. Each year the annual conference is held in a different city where the various segments of the information resource management community (including publishers, vendors, and librarians) meet in an informal setting to network and share information. The conference includes the presentation of papers, panels, workshops, tours, and social events.
ELIGIBILITY: This award is open to qualified students in any NASIG member country (defined for this purpose as the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Greenland). Students who are currently enrolled in a Master’s, Doctorate, or Specialist degree program in Library and/or Information Studies, and who have expressed an interest in some aspect of information resources management work, are eligible. Applicants must be full- or part-time students at the time of application. In order to accept an award, a recipient must not be employed in a position requiring an ALA-accredited degree, or on leave from such a position, at the time of acceptance of the grant. Equal consideration will be given to all qualified applicants, with preference given to those earning their degrees the year of the conference. Students do not have to be NASIG members to apply, and they must not have earned their degrees earlier than the end of the school year prior to the NASIG conference. Applicants must not have attended a previous NASIG conference, but may have participated in a NASIG conference as a local volunteer.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: The following materials are required to be submitted electronically either in Microsoft Word or plain text (.txt) format:
- A completed application
- A reference questionnaire
Application forms and reference questionnaires will be available after November 1st through this Awards page, and from the current Awards & Recognition Committee chair. Applications will only be accepted in electronic form. Completed applications and all related materials should be emailed to:
Megan Kilb
Chair, NASIG Awards & Recognition Committee
UNC-Chapel Hill
email: [email protected]
phone: 919-962-3767
AWARD NOTIFICATION: The award recipient will be notified by March 15, 2016.