Call for Papers, Asian Digital Library Conference, Seoul, Korea
Posted July 9, 2015
ICADL2015: December 9-12, 2015
The 2015 Asian Digital Library Conference will explore digital libraries as a broad foundation for interaction with information and information management in a digital world. We particularly welcome work relating to the conference theme of “Providing High-Quality Digital Information”, regardless of whether it is raw datastreams, numeric, audio-visual, mapping, 3D content, text, social media, compound publications or the metadata that describes there source and its provenance.
Conference Theme: Providing High-Quality Digital Information
Technical Papers
Technical papers may include contributions to research, system evaluation, infrastructure and architecture, case studies, and social and institutional policy. For submission instructions, see the links at the conference Website.
Full PAPERS (extended deadline July 26)
Full papers report significant original results. Maximum 10 pages.
SHORT PAPERS (extended deadline, July 26)
Short papers describe modest but complete results. Maximum 4 pages.
POSTERS (due Sept 21)
Present innovative projects and projects with early but interesting
results. Maximum 2 pages.
For more information, see the conference Web site.
CiSAP(Consortium of Information Schools Asia-Pacific)(Dec 12)
The 2015 CiSAP workshop focus on research activities in information schools. We welcome both CiSAP members and non-CiSAP members; researchers and students.
NKOS (Networked Knowledge Organization Systems)(Dec 9)
The focus of the workshop will be on the principles and applications of KOS such as classification systems, thesauri, lexical databases, value lists, taxonomies, and ontologies.
Workshop participants are expected to share their experience on various stages of KOS development and demonstrate practical KOS applications in real-world environments.
Doctoral Consortium (Dec 12)
Doctoral Consortium provides advice and support for doctoral students about their dissertation research.