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ALISE Youth Services SIG Lightning Talks

ALISE 2016, Boston, MA

January 5 – January 8, 2016

Conference Theme: Radical Change: Inclusion and Innovation

Deadline: July 1, 2015 

The ALISE Youth Services SIG calls for participation in our sessions at the annual ALISE conference January 5-8, 2016 in Boston. This year, the YS SIG is seeking participants for a six-minute “lightning talk” format presentation and will feature up to eight presenters. In keeping with the conference theme, we invite people to submit papers and presentations that map one or more aspects of Dr. Dresang’s theory of radical change onto youth services concepts. Radical change theory examines fundamental changes or departures from the usual or traditional, focusing on themes of interactivity, connectivity, and access. Preference will be given to proposals integrating radical change into one or more areas of youth services.

Submission Guidelines

All proposals for YS SIG sessions should be submitted by July 1, 2015 to Annette Goldsmith ([email protected]) or Colette Drouillard ([email protected]). In the subject line please indicate: ALISE YS SIG Proposal.  Those interested in participating should submit an abstract of up to 400 words. Submissions for the session will be peer reviewed.

All individuals who submit a proposal will be notified of the conveners’ decision by July 15. Final notification of acceptance of the Youth Services SIG program will be shared by September 15, 2015.

Please address any questions or comments to the Youth Services SIG co-conveners:

Annette Goldsmith, Ph.D. 
University of Washington Information School 
[email protected]

Colette Drouillard, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Library and Information Studies 
Dewar College of Education & Human Services
Valdosta State University 
[email protected]