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New York Archives Conference Professional Development Grants

The New York Archives Conference annual meeting will be held June 3-5, 2015, at SUNY Fredonia in Fredonia, NY. Presentations on topics including EAD, electronic records, DPLA, outreach, collaborations and more will be offered.  The conference program will be found at The program is forthcoming. 

The New York Archives Conference, John A. Woods, and Larry Naukum will offer multiple $100 professional development grants in order to enable archives students, archivists, librarians, and others with archives or records management responsibilities to attend the conference.  

John A. Woods Appraisers specializes in the appraisal of books, documents, manuscripts, fine arts, decorative arts, antique machinery and equipment, photographs, historical artifacts, and furniture:

Larry Naukam is retired, but previously held the position of Director of Historical Services for the Rochester NY Public Library. He currently works with the Digital Public Library of America as a Community Rep.

Funds may be applied to travel, lodging, meals, workshops, or conference registration. Each recipient is required to attend both meeting days (June 4-5). Preference in grant awards will be given to applicants who are:

  • First time conference attendees
  • AND Permanent residents of New York State;
  • OR Paid or volunteer employees working in a New York State archival collection or records management position
  • OR Students enrolled in an archives administration or records management educational program in New York State

In order to be considered for a professional development grant, all application materials must be received by 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 29, 2015. Notification of awards will be made by Wednesday, May 6, 2015. The conference program and professional development grant application form can be found at Questions and application materials should be directed to [email protected].

Please Note: Previous recipients of a NYAC grant (formerly called scholarships) are not eligible to apply.