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SALALM Conference Attendance Scholarship

See a list of past winners.

Online Application Link Below. View the poster here.

Awarded biannually since December 2011, the SALALM Scholarship was established to encourage professional and leadership development in Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian studies academic librarianship.

Beginning with the fall 2014 competition, a conference travel award of up to $1500 will be given to a master’s student in an ALA-accredited library and information science or archival studies program to defray the costs of attending the SALALM annual conference. The next conference will be June 13-17, 2015, hosted by Princeton University.

Awardees will be asked to write a summary of their conference experience, to be posted on the SALALM website.

Since its founding in 1956, the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, SALALM, has provided the only national and international forum focused on Latin American studies research librarianship, library collections, and services. The SALALM Conference Attendance Scholarship will include a one-year membership in the organization.

Who Should Apply:

Applicants able to demonstrate a strong interest in Latin America, the Caribbean, or their diaspora, or Iberia, and who have career aspirations involving service to academic users seeking information about or researching topics involving the Latin American, Caribbean, or Iberian regions are encouraged to apply.

Interest may be demonstrated through previous work, internships, undergraduate or graduate-level study, involvement through volunteer programs with governmental, non-governmental, or private sector organizations, and research and publication on topics relevant to the area. Competency in one of the area’s major languages is highly important.


Applicants must be master’s degree candidates in ALA-accredited programs in library science, information science, or archival studies (with equivalent accreditation where applicable) in the United States or Canada. Applicants must have successfully completed at least one quarter or semester of study, and recipients must be enrolled students at the time the award is made. Anyone having received this scholarship in previous years or a travel grant from SALALM is not eligible to apply.

Deadline for all application materials: November 30, 2014

For more information