Library Director, Stevens Memorial Library, North Andover, MA
Posted October 1, 2014
Job Description:
The Board of Trustees of the Stevens Memorial Library in North Andover (population about 30,000) seeks an innovative, dynamic and experienced leader to serve as the library director. Responsibilities include the management of all library operations, budget and personnel. In addition, the director will oversee the collection development, programming, and building maintenance. The new director must have excellent communication skills in order to advocate effectively for the library to the town and to engage in community outreach. It is essential for the director to be knowledgeable of new and emerging technologies to promote library innovation. Full participation and support of a strategic planning process currently underway to modernize and possibly renovate and expand the library is required.
MLS from an ALA accredited institution; certification as a professional librarian by the MBLC; 6 years of library experience with at least 3 years of supervisory and administrative experience; knowledge of latest library technology.
Salary: $70,447 – 77,000
Closing Date: October 23, 2014
Email resume and letter of application to:
Chair, Director Search Committee
Steven Memorial Library Board of Trustees
Email: [email protected]
The Town of North Andover is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer.