Web Services Specialist, Newton Free Library, Newton, MA
Posted September 29, 2014
Join the Newton Free Library’s tech team and be part of a reference department that is expanding the envelope of library user experience with hands on classes, STEAM & Maker programming and user focused web services.
Position Responsibilities: The Web Services Specialist will be responsible for the Library’s digital initiatives and online resources in order to improve access to the collection, promote the library in the community and expand patrons’ online experience. Manage and expand the library’s responsive web site. Other responsibilities include develop staff resources, re-organize and redesign the existing website, and explore social networking platforms as a means of interacting with patrons. Also participates in regular patron instruction in both library and general tech topics to keep people up in developing technologies. Help launch new initiatives in digitizing the Library’s collection and online information portals. This position emphasizes the use of web programming to modernize the Library’s online presence.
Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree preferably in Computer Science, Software Engineering or master’s degree in Information Science or similar field. Strong communication skills required. 2+ years’ experience administering website, developing web pages using coding software and languages and developing web applications (PHP/ my SQL, ASP/Access, etc.) are also required. Demonstrated ability to take over a large code base and manage updates. Experience delivering library-focused web resources (Digital Library programs, etc.) a plus.
Compensation: $49,539-$64,450
Job Status: Full Time, Salary
Reference Number: 0096-2014
Contact Name: Human Resources
Contact Email: resumes@newtonma.gov
Contact Phone: 617-796-1260