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Executive Director/Associate for Records & History, Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia PA

The Presbyterian Historical Society is part of The Office of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY.


The Associate for Records and History/PHS Executive Director is responsible for all operations and programs of the Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS) located in Philadelphia, PA. This person is responsible for collecting, preserving, interpreting and sharing the story of American Presbyterianism with mid councils, congregations, and individuals. This position calls for a person with an enthusiastic commitment to the mission program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as noted in its theological confessions, the Book of Order, and the actions of the General Assembly.


This person will need an understanding of the ethos of the non-profit world and skill in nurturing a teamwork environment at many different levels including OGA colleagues, PHS Board members, donors, and PHS staff. The incumbent must have a passion for PHS, its mission to serve PC(USA) and the broader community.  Visit our website at




This person, with 7 to 10 years proven track record, will lead the organization in fundraising/development, operations, finance and budgets, building needs, new programming and endowment; a proven track record in the area of fundraising, donor relations, grant development and public relations required. Master of Arts in American History or MLS in Information Science with specialization in archival administration required. An enthusiastic commitment to the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and knowledge of Presbyterian history, its polity and ecclesiastical organization desired. A PhD in History, preferably in American Church History desired.


APPLICATION INFORMATION: You may submit your resume with a cover letter or submit your request for the complete position description to: Loyda P. Aja, Associate Stated Clerk, Office of the General Assembly, PC(USA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY 40202, or email to: [email protected]. Deadline for applications:

August 1, 2014.




Additional Salary Information: Salary and benefits are commensurate with experience

Internal Number: SAA-PHSEXECDIR