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Karen Gersten-Sternheim Memorial Scholarship, SLA Southern California Chapter

2014 SLA Southern California Chapter

Karen Gersten-Sternheim Memorial Scholarship Announcement


The Scholarship Committee of the Southern California Chapter of the Special Libraries Association (SLA-SCC; is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2014 Karen Gersten-Sternheim Memorial Scholarship.


The award was established in May of 1993 at a special board meeting called by chapter President John Shea, shortly after Karen’s death; the first money was awarded in 1996. Karen, a UCLA library professional, dedicated much of her career to the success of library school students. The award includes complimentary invitations to the SLA-SCC annual fundraiser meeting, the awards dinner and the annual business meeting.



$3,000 stipend check will be presented to the recipient at the Annual Fundraiser Dinner.



·         Applicants must be members of the SLA-SCC – membership information may be found online at:

·         Applicants must demonstrate an interest in a career in special libraries, and must be currently enrolled and taking classes in an American Library Association (ALA) accredited Masters in Library and/or Information Science program.  Also, at the time of application, the student’s graduation date should be no earlier than December 2014.

·         There is no geographic restriction on the school in which the applicant is enrolled. However, applicants must be permanent residents of California or Nevada, and must submit a photocopy of their valid California or Nevada State I.D. card, driver’s license, or voter registration card.


Application Procedure

·         The completed application form available online at:

·         A copy of your valid California or Nevada State I.D. card – or driver’s license – or voter registration card

·         A 1,500-2,000 word essay describing:  1) Your interest and experience in special librarianship; 2) your professional goal(s) and the skills and experience you believe will get you there; 3) the benefits for your career growth that you anticipate SLA membership will bring; and, 4) how you plan to participate and contribute to SLA-SCC

·         Three (3) signed letters of academic and professional recommendation (one letter must be from a faculty member in your library or information studies master’s degree program)


Applications are due June 30, 2014 via email to Michael Qiu, Scholarship Committee Chair, at [email protected].


To access the application, please visit


For any questions, please contact Michael Qiu at [email protected].