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Call for Papers, Indiana Bloomington Conference: “Oh, the Things You’ll Learn: Discovery in the Archives”

“Oh, the Things You’ll Learn: Discovery in the Archives”


A Conference for Students and Beginning Professionals on Archives, Rare Books, and Special Collections

March 8, 2014 in Bloomington, Indiana

Indiana University’s student chapter of the Society of American Archivists is proud to announce our sixth conference for students and beginning professionals to be held Saturday, March 8th through Sunday, March 9th, 2014 in Bloomington, Indiana.


If you are a graduate student in a library science, archives, or rare books program or have entered the profession within the previous three years, we invite you to submit your papers on topics related to archives, rare books, or special collections for presentation at the conference.  The conference theme “Oh, the Things You’ll Learn: Discovery in the Archives” can be interpreted broadly; we welcome papers on diverse topics within the field. Each presenter will have approximately 20 to 25 minutes to speak, with ample time left for questions and answers.  In addition to presentations, the two-day conference will include workshops and tours of Indiana University special collections and repositories.


To be considered as a presenter, please submit your paper, or an abstract of 150-200 words and a working title, to [email protected] by Friday, December 20, 2013. Along with your paper or abstract, include your name, email address, institutional affiliation, and any audio/visual needs. The papers will be discussed and voted on in a blind judging process, and you will receive an acceptance or rejection by mid-January. If you have only submitted an abstract, your acceptance will be conditional. You will be required to submit the completed paper by mid-February to have your acceptance finalized.


If your paper is accepted, you will be sent a more detailed registration form. At that time, you will also be asked to submit a registration fee of $30 to cover the meals provided during the conference. Additional details regarding meals, accommodations available in Bloomington, and other logistics will also be provided at that time.  For more information about past conferences, please visit


Feel free to direct any questions you may have to Jessica Lopez, Indiana University SAA-SC Academic Conference Chair, at [email protected].