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Director of the Bruce Jackson Library, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton MA


Established in 1970 and containing a combined total of over 330,000 volumes, the Gordon-Conwell libraries serve students enrolled in academic and professional studies at the four Gordon-Conwell campuses, as well as the Semlink distance education and Doctor of Ministry programs. The Bruce Jackson Library in Boston contains over 30,000 volumes and has access to a variety of online databases and resources through the Gordon-Conwell library system. The library serves the Gordon-Conwell Center for Ministerial Education (CUME) in Boston and provides library resources and services to a diverse bi-lingual student body in several languages including English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

The Gordon-Conwell libraries share a unified library catalog, a common circulation and cataloging system, and
electronic databases. The combined libraries have a current full-time staff of ten and are supported by a sizable number of student workers. Centralized services for technical services, interlibrary loan, and circulation are provided by the main Gordon-Conwell library in S. Hamilton, MA.


The Director of the Bruce Jackson Library is primarily accountable to the Dean of the Boston campus and
secondarily to the Seminary’s Senior Librarian. The director supervises library planning and operations, works
collegially with the Seminary’s professional staff, and organizes library services to meet the research needs of
students and faculty at the CUME-Boston campus.


1. Manages all aspects of the Bruce Jackson Memorial Library (CUME) from acquisitions to cataloguing and public service.
2. Supervises assistant librarians and student employees in the Boston library.
3. Attends all professional library staff meetings in person or via audio conferencing and will be subject to any
action items decided upon by this group.
4. Develops bibliographic resources in English and Non-English Languages, especially those languages used at GCTS Boston/CUME for classroom instruction.
5. Maintains class syllabi and coordinates all course reserve materials for each academic session.
6. Tracks the progress of the Bruce Jackson Memorial Library through collections and assessment of statistical
data, staff reports, etc., and makes regular reports to the Director of Libraries and the Campus Dean.
7. Builds the collection through the selection and acquisition of new and used materials, including other
donated collections.
8. Monitors the state of the collection and recommends the use of space.
9. Provides bibliographic instruction and library orientation to both students and faculty; fields reference
questions, develops the library use guidelines.
10. Enforces the library policies developed by the Seminary library professional staff.
11. Serves as a member of the Library Subcommittee for the entire seminary.
12. May perform other duties as assigned by the Director of Libraries or the Campus Dean.
13. Coordinates library services for specialized Boston/CUME cohorts in Springfield, MA and other locations
as they are developed.


The Director should possess at least a Master’s degree in a discipline related to theological studies and a Master’s degree in library science or its equivalent. In addition, the director should be willing and able to work in a multi-lingual environment. Familiarity with theological education, background in library technology, fluency in a
non-English Language, and experience in a multi-cultural setting are important. Because Gordon-Conwell is a multi-campus environment, the Director must work collegially with professional library staff across the institution. Good relational and interpersonal skills are essential. The Director should possess good administrative, management, and supervisory skills.

please email resumes/CVs to [email protected]