Part-Time Pre-Professional Opportunity, Wilbraham Public Library, Wilbraham MA
Posted September 9, 2013
BiblioTemps is looking for people to work a new Sunday shift, every other week, at the Wilbraham Public Library, from 1 pm – 5 pm, starting 9/15 through 5/18. The position includes Circulation Desk duties with adults and children, as well as occasional shelving and light processing. We are seeking friendly people who like to interact with patrons. We are also seeking people who would be interested in conducting story-hour and a craft, though this is not required. $16.48/hour. This is a part-time, temporary position.
To apply or for more information, please contact Kelly Jo Woodside at BiblioTemps: kelly@masslibsystem or (508) 357 – 2121 ext. 314.