Digital Programs Internship, Amherst College, Amherst MA
Posted May 21, 2013
Digital Programs Internship
Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Mount Holyoke College (GSLIS West) Part-time Graduate Student Intern
The Amherst College Library Digital Programs Department is the site of this position. This position reports to the Head of Digital Programs.
Anticipated start date: June 2013
Amherst College Digital Programs
Address Site:
Amherst College Library
Job Description
The Intern will work closely with the Head of Digital Programs and Digital Programs Resident, and collaboratively with members of the Digital Programs, Archives & Special Collections, and Technical Services departments, on projects involving the digitization and cataloging of archives and manuscript materials. Duties will include digitizing materials from Archives & Special Collections, creating MODS metadata records, and special projects as needed.
Enrollment in the GSLIS program.
Attendance at the GSLIS West program.
Excellent oral and written communication, organization, technology, and problem-solving skills.
Experience with digitization and digitization equipment.
Familiarity with metadata schemas such as Dublin Core and MODS; content standards such as AACR2 and DACS; and controlled vocabularies.
Experience handling archives/special collections/institutional records.
Completion of LIS 415 – Information Organization
Hourly rate:
15-20 hours per week
Days and times needed:
Hours are flexible but must be scheduled in at least 2 hour blocks; hours must occur Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm.
End period:
December 31, 2013, with possibility of renewal to May 31, 2014.
Contact Information:
Please email a letter of interest and resume to:
Kelcy Shepherd
Head of Digital Programs
Amherst College Library
Review of applications will begin on May 29.