Call for Authors for New Consumer-health Column, Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet (JCHI)
Posted May 21, 2013
The Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet (JCHI) has a New Column, “Patient/Patron Perspectives”. This is a brand-new column and Amy Knehans, my co-editor, and I are looking for any information professionals in any ttype of library (public, academic, hospital) who would be interested in writing for this new column.
Amy and I have developed the scope so far- this is not binding- and any feedback or ideas are welcome! If you are interested, please reply to Amy and me at our emails address, within the scope. We will send you the authors’ guidelines, schedule (the column first publishes in the Vol 17, No 4 issues, with an August 2013 deadline) asap. Scope is below:
“This column is intended to illustrate the perspectives of consumers of health information found on the Internet. The column provides an arena for consumer and health-sciences information professionals to share their use, attitudes, beliefs and understanding of health-related information found on the Internet. Consumer use of the Internet for health information is large and growing. According to the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, specific diseases and treatment continue to dominate people’s online queries and, for one-third of U.S.adults, the Internet is a diagnostic tool. (report: Health Online 2013)
The emerging consumer role can have implications for health care relationships. There are benefits and dangers associated with health advice on the Internet. Each article in the Consumer/Patient Perspectives’ column will focus on consumers of health and their perspectives on consumer-health found on the Internet. Any librarians interested in submitting comments or material for publication should contact Mary Ellen Nolan, MLS, AHIP and Amy Knehans, MLIS, AHIP. Ms. Nolan’s e-mail address is[email protected] Ms. Knehans’ e-mail is [email protected], respectively. Please enter the e-mail subject line, PROPOSAL FOR JCHI ARTICLE.
Column Co-Editors:
Mary Ellen Nolan, MLS, AHIP
Consumer Health Librarian
New Hanover County Public Library
201 Chestnut Street
Wilmington, NC 28401
Amy Knehans, MLIS, AHIP
The George T. Harrell Library
M.S. Hershey Medical Center
Penn State University
P. O. Box 850
Hershey, PA 17033″
If you have any questions, comments, ideas, or anything, let Amy and me know. This is an exciting opportunity for any librarians who are interested in consumer health to become publsihed authors, and to share your great ideas or insights with other librarians who deal with consumer health.